About Ombudsman
PASSAGES’ long-term care ombudsman is responsible for advocating, maintaining, and improving the quality of life for the residents of nursing homes and residential care facilities. The primary mission of the program is to investigate and resolve the complaints and concerns of these residents, preserving their rights and dignity as they live out the remainder of their years.
Anytime residents of nursing homes and residential care facilities feel that they are not adequately involved in treatment decisions, provided a sanitary or safe environment, experience neglectful or abusive treatment, or have any other disputes with their providers, our professional staff will work to investigate and amicably resolve these disputes.
For more information, call (530) 898-5923 or ombudsman@csuchico.edu

Butte: 1-800-664-9774
Colusa: (530) 458-0280
Glen: (530) 865-6764 or (530) 934-6520 (After Hours)
Plumas: (530) 283-6350
Tehama: (530) 527-1911 or 1-800-323-7711 (After Hours)